Dashboard Design

It doesn’t matter if you have the best data in the world if you have no way to understand it.

Do you need help visualising and presenting huge amounts of data?

Need help getting to that important A-HA moment that will transform your company?


Jack Hagley is an expert Dashboard Consultant working with many brands worldwide to present

Improve your business reporting today


A dashboard is a visualisation that collects together lots of information for your business in one place. They are not usually consumer facing products, but designed to be used as an internal communications tool. Dashboards are usually tailored to fit specific needs within the business such as marketing, sales, finance, HR or operations.

It doesn’t matter if you have the best data in the world if you have no way to understand it.

Are you asking the right questions?

The more specific you can be about your needs, the better the dashboard will be.

I can work with you to find out the questions
  • What is this about?
  • Why is this happening?

If you think about a car dashboard, it collects all the information you need to drive the car into one place and makes it easy to understand at a glance.

Dashboards are easily branded.


The information in a dashboard can come from many sources.

The data can be live or static.


Using Google Data Studio, Microsoft Excel or similar




Spreadsheets are inherently hostile items. The purpose of dashboards is to make business data more accessible, and easier to use.

Design is always an interface between reality and a human, and a dashboard is no different.

It means that including data in your PowerPoint presentation decks can be as simple as screenshotting the data. You can use the dashboard in a company meeting or video call and always have up to date information.